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Cranes, planes and automobiles

Wow, where has the summer gone - I can't believe it's nearly the end of August already. So, I thought it was about time that I updated you (for those that follow the blog) what I've been up to since my last update.

Well firstly, I finished school in June and just awaited the final exam results. They came in pretty much where I expected and I managed to pass all that I sat, with some tighter than others - but I start college at the end of August in Sports Coaching & Development at Aberdeen. Really looking forward to it and the course will allow me to build in some training into my studying so I can get to do two things at once - result!!

​​In the meantime, I've not been sitting around enjoying the spectacular NE Scotland summer weather - nope, since stopping school (even before), I've been practically working full time to earn some pennies. One of my roles is as a leisure assistant on a road show of zorbs, bike tracks and climbing walls going around the North East. I get trusted with driving the work's vans and cars so it's been great to try out some other vehicles where you can put your foot on the accelerator and there is a response - but I'm working on that one for a new set of wheels for home.

​​It's been a lot of fun and I've really enjoyed it although there have been one or two early mornings and late nights so pretty tiring - but it's allowed me to do other things as a result of earning some money.

One was to join some of my counterparts in Norway on a training camp in Lillehammer. The British Nordic Ski Team has set up a partnership arrangement with the Lillehammer Ski Team, many of whom go onto join the Norwegian national cross-country squads. Part of the arrangement is to help each other out in training, so it was great to get out there and be put to the test against guys that I'll perhaps be racing against in future races.

That said, it was a pretty hard week and full on training - starting and ending the week with level 4 sessions kind of gives an indication of the level of fitness required and perhaps my training regime during this summer has not been as intense as perhaps previous years - that said, I loved it.

I was no sooner back from Norway to then be back at the airport and heading off to Portugal for a well-earned recovery week in the sun. That said, I now know that I'm not a great one for heat, the temperature started to touch 43C and I started looking indoors for some cool and shelter from the sun. Even throwing myself into the sea or a pool didn't quite quell the heat but one thing I have crossed off my "to do" list was a bungee jump. I'm not a great one for heights at the best of times but standing at the top of a crane with a little piece of rope attached to your ankle pretty much focuses the mind - all I can say is - guess from the photo who's screaming the most!!!!!

I start college on Tuesday, a new chapter, with summer just about over, the training intensity will start to ramp up a bit. I've not selected which races to go for this year yet but I'm hoping to get a few in and possibly have my first crack at World Juniors which is in Switzerland next year.

So, lots of hard work to put in this year on training, new course at college and earning some money to pay for the ski camps - it's going to be another busy year. Hopefully, I'll have time to keep the blog up to date and let you know how it's all going.

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