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Thank you for your support

It's only been a week since I launched my first crowdfunder campaign and I've just been blown away by all the kind support I've had from so many people.

I'm already up to nearly half way there towards my £1,500 target and I'm delighted and grateful for your support. If you get a chance, please share my appeal with your friends or someone you know who might be willing to donate £10, every donation counts and helps towards my Olympic pathway.

Later this month, I head off to Sweden to take part in my first races of the season in Idre. I'll be up against strong Scandinavian competition with athletes from Norway, Sweden and Finland taking part in the race weekend. It's going to be tough but I'm going to give it my best shot.

I've particular targets that I need to hit in these races or the next ones in Switzerland in December in order to qualify for selection for the European Youth Olympics in Turkey. The qualification standard is tough and I need to ensure that I try and get the results in Sweden to ease the pressure for the second set of races in Switzerland.

In the meantime, I'm still managing to fit in the training on roller skis and sessions on my new indoor Skierg machine. It's allowing me to train in the dry when its starting to get very wet and miserable outside. I can do core and some endurance work on it with even the opportunity to race against other skiers as part of a global challenge. I've only used these machines a couple of times before in a testing environment and they were good fun.

I'll keep you posted on my results from Sweden, hopefully I'll have some good snow, skis and results from the race camp. Once again, thanks for your continued support.

Young People's Sport Panelist
2016 - 2018

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Award Recipient
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