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A Huge Thanks to all who Voted

What a great way to start a Monday morning, just received an email saying that I'd won the best overall Snowsports Blog in the Trespass Blog of the Year awards - absolutely delighted.

A huge thanks needs to go out to all those that voted for me and I know I'll be due a favour or two to many of you after having to put it up with Facebook messages, tweets and Instagram prompts.

I decided this weekend to take my mind off things and head down to Ayrshire to catch up with my Gran and my Aunt. They live on a farm down there and what with all my training and camps as well as school, it had been quite a while since I had been down.

So, I jumped on the train for the five and a half hour trip on Friday down to Ayr. As I mentioned in my previous posts, I love gadgets and down on the farm, they have a John Deere Gator (6 wheel moon buggy). Having negotiated a deal for getting to play with it, I did have to do certain chores, including shovelling horse manure but hey, it was worth it.

As usual, I came well prepared for it - NOT, and had to borrow some clothes to keep me clean. I won't make that mistake again.

On Sunday, my Aunt had entered into the "Dunfoot Trofee" which was a cyclocross event - a bit like cross country on bikes but this event included a number of the Scottish Commonwealth Cycle Team - it was a great event and very muddy. I was helping out behind the scenes but wish I'd been racing. Depending on timings for next year, I fancy giving it a go although I may need to get hosed down outside before Gran will let me in the house.

Back to school and normal training this week. Whilst there are some races in Germany in a couple of weeks time, I have to knuckle under and concentrate on my exams for a few weeks. Next races for me are in Sweden in April so plenty of training time to put in before then.

Once again, thanks to all who voted for me.


Young People's Sport Panelist
2016 - 2018

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Award Recipient
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